Hard at work as usual on a few exciting projects consisting of creating websites tailored specific for mobile devices. As we familiarize ourselves into this new frontier, we’ve been discovering that even though many aspect of mobile web development is similar to creating websites for the desktop computer, there are a lot of differences in creating websites for mobile platforms. Things such as load time per page file size, pixel density on a screen, screen real estate, and not worrying that a person will flip their monitors to a landscape or portrait position were things we didn’t have to worry too much about while developing non-mobile optimized websites. However, the challenge have been well received and we are excited to developing more and more mobile specific websites in the near future.
Due to the amount of testing that is involved with creating a mobile site that is compatible on multiple devices, I figure this would help other developers out there. Here is a list of all the emulator/simulators for the most popular device os and mobile browsers out in the market currently. The only one I had trouble finding was Symbian.
Enjoy for Macs and PC…except the Windows Mobile Emulator of course, which only works on PCs.
Opera Mini For Android
Android Emulator
Windows Mobile Emulator
iPhone/iPad Simulator –
You must have be an Apple iOS Developer in order to login and download the iOSÂ SDK – http://developer.apple.com/ipad/sdk/
Or use this online version which does a decent job-
Palm webOS Emulator-