Bible Scripture Engine

- Project
- Bible Scripture API / NLT.TO
- Back-End Stack
- C#, .NET Core, Entity Framework, SQL, SSIS
- Front-End Stack
- HTML5, JavaScript, Require.JS
NLT.TO and API.NLT.TO was a project that I was tasked with doing a conversion to .NET which required me to read Python code and convert it to .NET Core and installing and migrating PosgreSQL to Microsoft Azure SQL v12 leveraging SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) in the process of the migration and data conversion.
NLT.TO is just a website shell with all data coming from API.NLT.TO. API.NLT.TO is a rest API site with full admin capabilities. The key scripture parsing complexity were not available in .NET (or most programming languages) and thus the key reason why Python was original used in the project required very complex RegEx to accommodate the various ways readers may look up verses of the Bible.
- Genesis.1-2 vs. Genesis.1,Genesis.2 (this would return Genesis chapter 1 and 2)
- Genesis.1-100 vs Genesis.100 (this would return Genesis 1:1-50:26)
- Genesis 1 (returns the entire book of Genesis 1)
- Gen 1:1 vs Genesis 1:1
- Genesis-Exodus (this would return all verses from Genesis 1:1 – Exodus 40:38)
- Handling complex book/chapter/verse chaining multiple verses such as: Kgs.13.1-34; 14.1-18,21-24; 2Chr.12.13-14; 11.18-23; 12.1-12; 1Kgs.14.25-28; 2Chr.12.15-16; 1Kgs.14.29-31; 15.1-5; 2Chr.13.1-22; 1Kgs.15.6-8; 2Chr.14.1-8;Jn.1;Ex.1-2:15;Rev.4.3
API.NLT.TO feeds Bible data to our internal Bible editing tools, external partnership websites (K-Love Radio Chicago WCKL 97.9 FM and WayFM Radio Network), and our various Bible sites. API.NLT.TO is currently capable of delivering the NLT, Spanish NTV, and The MESSAGE scripture translations with Greek and Hebrew slotted for future development.